Hi everybody,
My weekend is three days long, starting on Thursday evening since I work Monday to Thursday. And I just love weekends.
I normally plan a small project which I want to be able to finish by Monday morning and of course I continue those numerous projects lying around all over our home.
This time I want to learn to make cables. My both daughters ordered cushion covers with cables so here we go:
As you see, my blocking is not that professional but if I want to block anything bigger than mittens I have to put everything on the floor and I happen to have two very curious dogs, so better this way, using the iron board
Yes, a cushion cover
and there was one knitted friend waiting for the new one
and here with a bit thicker wool, work in process for the other daughter
you can actually use any kind of yarn for this work, all you just have to do is to calculate how your gauge will be.
I think I'll knit my son one cushion cover as well this weekend
And you?
I wish you a lovely weekend whatever you do
Chars salüds
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